Project Hardbody, because the call suggests, will pay homage to one of the maximum iconic Nissan vans ever, the Nissan D21 "Hardbody." It became the primary truck layout finished at NDA."It remains unmistakable on the street as a pure, present day layout, even today," stated Hiren Patel, venture lead designer, Nissan Design America, Inc.The "Hardbody" call got here from its double-wall mattress and competitive stance and became a champion in on- and off-avenue in competitions and at the seashores of Southern California.Project Hardbody is constructed on a 2022 Frontier Crew Cab SV 4x4.
It capabilities a 3-inch carry package with adjustable higher manage arms, overfenders from the cutting-edge PRO-4X model, traditional Hardbody block-fashion wheels designed and milled at NDA established with 33-inch tires, mattress-established spare tire carrier, recreation bar with present day 10-inch square LED lights, blacked-out the front give up and door portraits with '80s-fashion shadow outlining.